Sunday, November 18, 2007

Heartstoppingly clever!!!

Here's a little trick to play on the nurse on your next doctor visit.
I learned this trick from the Klutz Book of Magic that I read when I was in fourth grade.
Next time you go to the doctor, bring along with you either a golf ball or one of those big bouncy balls that you get at the 50 cent Bouncy Ball dispensers at the super market. Make sure you keep this concealed. Before you get shown into the examination room find a way to secretly place the ball underneath the armpit of the arm which the nurse will be getting your blood pressure from. Right before the nurse takes your blood pressure, secretly squeeze the ball with your armpit. This will cause the flow of blood into your arm to be blocked. The effect will be that you will have no pulse! Now, if you want to be really thorough, make sure you have a ball underneath both armpits. This way, either arm she checks you will have no pulse! After this, burst out into a huge laughter you evil person you!

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